Tuesday Morning Stream O ‘ Thought


A “love fascism” where people can wear what they want and love who they want and John Lennon’s song is pumped through speakers at schools and at work everyday instead of children dutifully reciting words to a premise that no longer holds true.

There should be one “religion”:  LOVE – not a man or a woman – just empathy, respect and compassion –


So.. I won an Annie Award this Saturday– cool moment, and while I have always thought most of these awards shows were evenings of self aggrandizement, I have to say that winning a wee trophy and getting to make a fun speech in a rented tux displaced my energy such, that I was not in need of a 5 Hour Energy for 48 hours!

Then came the Super Bowl and the MASSIVE Melt Down of the FAILcons!! It temporarily ruined my high! Patriots Fans are insufferable!! The fact that Brady is a friend with Trump grinded at my psyche even more. But being with friends and family helped to salve the wound.

Betsy Devoid Of Critical Thinking is on the precipice of being able to shove God into our kids in her version of private schools and turning back the clock to Salem.

This week is almost over!
