I wholeheartedly agree with Seth McFarlane’s assessment that pitting a reality star against a talk show host in the 2020 Presidential Election would be the admission that we would be living in a dystopian world – well – we already do!!

I would love to see Kamala Harris as the Democratic Nominee – I would also like to use the beautiful silk linen tablecloth for the outdoor picnic table, except that it’s rainy and muddy outside and that thing is just going to get gross and ripped apart.

The danger of intelligent people is that we take for granted that America is full of unintelligent people who will decide our fate. FOX News and Alt Right Sites are the new normal – they won by manipulating the cult of personality. The best way to combat that is with our own cult of celebrity.

If intelligence and competence had anything to do with the last election, Kasich would have been president. It’s time to stop wishing for a world that isn’t. The Democrats are Tom Hanks in “Castaway” hoping their little log raft of intelligence and competence will get past the huge breakers of Right Wing Manipulation. Oprah is a speedboat with a high powered Mercury Outboard.

Hop in the boat people.

The world is not what you hoped it would be.

It is a dystopian wave of fear and hate.

I have kids, and I cannot take four more years of Pruitt and DeVoss. So if you ask me if I am desperate, I will say yes – and I will embrace the desperation of voting for Oprah. No margin of error- lets bring a high speed motorboat to this fight – VOTE OPRAH!!!
