6:24AM: Two green apple slices, one half banana and a slice of really seedy, grainy bread with peanut butter, week old “fresh squeezed” orange juice from the oranges in the back, and I begin on phase two of the day. Dogs walked and fed, ten minute, stream o’ consciousness blog. I will try to make it every Wednesday morning, as this will wake my brain up for “Coffee With Carlos” on The Stephanie Miller Show – Stephanie, who I met in 1995 after one year in LA and I landed a job on her UPN talk show on the Paramount Lot. I had a gate card to the Windsor Gate and a regular job as one of “The Irregular Regulars. Me, James Stephens, The 111, and Karen Maruyama – we were on the lot, man!

This was it! One year after moving to LA and I was on my way. This was going to be SNL West – we even had Anne Beatts as producer!! This was going to surely lead to sitcoms and movies. We all played TONS of characters and I thought paved the way for the sketches Jay Leno would eventually do on his show – particularly with all the O.J. Trial Stuff. I played Barry Sheck and Kato Kalin – which, in a cool twist of life – I have come to know Kato pretty well as we have hung out at our tennis club in the valley – he’s a swimmer and I play tennis – well – played- I am nursing a torn rotator cuff – damn age!

Anywho -1995 Stardom Train derailed as we were all told at Christmas that 13 weeks would be the life span of our time on the lot.

Flash Forward and I have had MANY a cool experiences – what, with talking fast food dogs, cute wallabies, prick sheriffs and crazy teachers. And I still hang out with Stephanie on Free Speech Radio- trying to stem and stagger the evil forces that occupy leadership all over the world – I think the week old orange juice should help!
