So here we are again on a cold Wednesday morning, and I have to remember to report to animal control a nearby neighbor who has left their dog to sleep outside in 38 degree (or less) weather all night. Yet another reason I feel world peace is untenable.
“Good mornings” are for good mornings and rare will they be under this current dictator.
Fear won and evolution devolves backwards for the next term, however long it may be. People asked, “Why did women and others march?” – Well shit– if only to show off the diversity of the opposition. Did anybody notice how un-white the crowds were? It looked like planet Earth and human beings were taking part in a demonstration.
The demonstration was to show that humanity is not lost, we are still here amongst the apathetic and the lost. The lost are the “Walking Dead” – there is a cure for them and it’s called information – the disease they have is from consuming the “alternate facts.” We just need to find the right delivery system. This short blog will yield just a microscopic portion of the antidote – truth . We must find the fire hoses with which we can douse the uneducated and afraid. Hell, critical thinking may be too hard, but if we can just convince them to act like Frodo and Harry Potter instead of just saying how much they love them – Frodians and Potterists – should work as well as those other mystical “religions.” The new religion is bereft of all that “women are less than” crap too!
So, go screw yourself Draco Trump. Gryffindor and The Shire are coming – it’s a new day and Middle Earth is organizing!