It’s 6:45 on my “toughest” morning – Wednesday AM! The dog alarm went off and got me out of bed, dressed and out the door with the two dogs, around the block, back in, get them some food and water, make myself a quick breakfast and sit down at my lap top to squirt out some thoughts before I drive over to do the Stephanie Miller Radio Show. First run on sentence complete.
In the wake of all things that have happened politically I will have to say that Thanksgiving gave me the time to let sink in my appreciation for my family and with the company I keep – including my friends and fellow artists. I woke up last Monday morning to an email from my voice agent, congratulating me for my Annie Awards Nomination – holy shit! Cool! Two days later I was caught by surprise in a mirror and realized how much I hated my shitty brown colored/dyed hair. Both events reminded me, however, that I am still a working actor, not to mention having some stand up dates coming up. The Annie Award is for my role as “Ponce De Leon” in the Dreamworks’ “Mr. Peabody And Sherman” series. The shitty hair dye is for my (on camera) role as a “JJ Hightail” for Direct Auto Insurance – he’s out there in the South East, folks – check a bus or a billboard.
Yessir, these are the things that will keep my professional jealousy at bay this month – this and therapy – another Wednesday AM Venture. Still, I’ve come to a realization that these feelings are real and it’s how you deal with them that represents your progression/digression as a human being.
I love my family and I love my work, but sometimes a good dram of Islay Whiskey can be right up there!
Off to Stephanie Miller and making the world a better place!
– Carlos