I Need A Nap

I Need A Nap

Today is a “no nap” day and I am as worried as a lycanthrope on a full moon! There will be yelling and walls that may be punched, searching for lost keys. Thank goodness I have no access to firearms! At least I went full adult and got to bed at a sensible hour last...
The Shape of Sycophantry

The Shape of Sycophantry

The joke that started a war between friends and my take of The Shape Of Water was this: “What if Hogarth were a woman and ‘The Iron Giant’ had a penis and a nice ass?” Simplistic reduction on it’s face, but in my opinion, not far off. But to...
Hello? Dystopia!

Hello? Dystopia!

I wholeheartedly agree with Seth McFarlane’s assessment that pitting a reality star against a talk show host in the 2020 Presidential Election would be the admission that we would be living in a dystopian world – well – we already do!! I would love to see Kamala...
Grove Danger

Grove Danger

Okay — I just saw Santa at The Grove, last night, so I am not as bitter as I could be, but it’s all small marshmallows on top of my cocoa. There’s still the reality of the cooling chocolate liquid giving way to sugar regret and the waning flavor of the...